Custom Hats

i love making custom order hats.
i find that crocheting really relaxes me. i also enjoy the challenge of figuring out ways to make my hats look the way i want them too (especially when i've never made anything like it before).
i make the patterns myself, and every stitch is filled with love.

if at any point in time you find yourself wanting a custom homemade hat, feel free to contact me.
i generally only make hats with the earflaps, but if you want something different, i'm very willing to do other custom stuff.

i charge $20 plus shipping for most of my hats. slightly more if the design requires more materials. custom does not cost extra. i currently dont do kids sizes. i dont do mass orders.
friends and family get half off ;)

if you want a custom homemade hat, just tell me what you want. Just be sure to include what color(s) you want, if you'd like any decoration (tassles, mohawk, buttons, etc.), if you'd like it to have stripes, whether you want the top pointy or flat, if you want it to look like an animal, if you'd like the ties to be long, short, thick, thin, or any other specifications that you want.

note: if you want an animal hat, just be sure it's distinct enought that people will realize what animal it is. after all, just because you say it's a polar bear hat doesnt mean that it looks like anything besides a white hat with ears.
here are some of the hats i've done so far:

yep, i made this one too. only, i sent it to my friend before i got a good picture of it, so she sent me this one :)