Saturday, March 26, 2011

Felt Flower

last sunday i made fabric flowers with several of my friends here at school. it was really fun, and i'm pretty proud of the flower i made, so i figured i'd put a picture on here.
it was the first time i'd ever made one, and i didnt even have a pattern :)

Monday, March 21, 2011


Sometimes i think it'd be really cool if i were a phoenix. I mean, not the whole immortal thing, but all the other characteristics. I may not know too much about them, but i still think it'd be cool to be one for a bit. Think of it. If i were a phoenix, i could fly, i'd have awesome colorfull feathers, i'd be the kind of thing that myths and legends are written about, and i could randomly burst into flames! Can you imagine talking to someone and then have them spontaneously combust right in front of your eyes? I would love to watch that person's face. one minute i'd be talking to them, and then (insert whatever sound spontaneous combustion makes), i'm on fire! Then I'd get reconfigured from the ashes and just pick up the conversation right where i left off, as if nothing had happened :)
the look on their face would be priceless.
And that is why i think it'd be cool to be a phoenix.

The UDP Diet

Last week was a pretty tiring week for me, and one morning I reaped the unintended consequences of me being so sleepy. I was in line, getting food and talking to Cally, when i tried to put my food on my plate. What i did not realize, however, was that i had subconsciously flipped my plate upside down in my hand. After everyone around me (including myself) had a good laugh at it, i sat down and began to eat off of the bottom of my plate. since an upside down plate isnt something you expect to see at breakfast, the conversation at my table soon turned to my plate.
After a few more laughs and smiles, we decided that i had stumbled across a new diet fad that would soon be sweeping the nation: the UDP (upside down plate) diet. You see, the bottom of a plate is always as big or smaller than the top of the plate. So if you flip your plate upside down, you have less space for your food. This will help you to take smaller portions by giving you a smaller plate. Yet you won't look weird for having a smaller plate, because it looks like it's the same size as everyone else's plate (only slightly different).
So now you have heard the latest and greatest new diet plan. Go, and spread the word! Even if no one actually uses this as a diet, the mere story of it might cause a small cheek or ab workout :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Random Cephalopod Info

So on the long drive back to school from spring break, I learned several really cool things about the octopus and the giant squid. For example:
octopi are very intelligent
          - you can train one to unscrew a jar
          -you can train one to open a lock with a key
          -you can put a lock in the tank, give the octopus a key in a closed jar and have it open the jar, take the key and unlock the lock.
unfortunately, i couldn't find any lock videos.

also, concerning giant squid:
scientists know very little about giant squids because once they catch them, no matter how similar to its original environment it's kept in, the squid will die almost immediately. so they dont know if/where they congregate, where their breeding grounds are, what their habits are, etc. they're not even positive why they die once captured.