Friday, May 13, 2011

Blessing Blessings

I would really appreciate it if everyone who reads this post would pray a blessing on the Gearhart family. I can hardly think of a family who’s more deserving of your prayers and blessings. Even if you don’t know them, all three are absolutely fantastic people who love God and love others to the best of their ability. They have been a blessing to me and many, many other people. So if you would take some time today and in the future to just pray that God would bless them whenever they come to mind (and if you don’t know them, then whenever/if ever I come to mind), I’d really appreciate it. Thanks :)
Sunshine and Brett were my adoptive parents all graduation weekend when my family couldn't make it.

Over spring break they opened their house up to 8 of us college students. They truely have the gift of hospitality and made all of us feel so welcomed. Tatiana is the one sitting bottom row middle. She rocks.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


so for those of you who dont already know, i'm semi-famous for reinacting a certain mad tv skit called "can i have your number?". it is from this infamy that i named this blog. i found it on youtube, but it won't let me embed it here, so here's the link:

well, a little bit before we went on our spring geology trip, we decided to order hoodies with nicknames on the back, and i couldnt resist. so here's a picture from our trip:

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Thoughts and Thanks

This past week was a double class week with Pastor Don teaching apologetics and Dr. Lisle teaching both apologetics and astronomy. So needless to say, my brain did quite a bit of stretching this week. I learned so much. The apologetics part was fantastic, but the astronomy part was rather difficult. After the first astronomy session, my brain was swimming. So i drew a picture that perfectly depicted how i felt and then bounced a sparkly ball against the floor until my mind was again capable of logical thought. Here's the picture:
Like a fish swimming under a US Navy battleship, so is astronomy in relation to me. It is above me. I can grasp a small portion of it's simplest part. But the vast majority of its simplicity is beyond me, and the many complexities of it will never enter even my wildest imaginations.

But even though astronomy astronomy and my brain are not friends, i am very thankful that God has made people who actually can comprehend things like that. I've been thinking about intelligence lately and I have decided that there are many different kinds of intelligence. There's the factual kind that has to do with remembering facts and usually results in good grades in school. Then there's the personal kind of intelligence that has to do with understanding people and being able to read them and knowing who they really are and what they need. The third general kind i see is a practical kind of intelligence. This kind is where someone is really good at figuring out how something works and/or how to build or fix it. This kind usually comes with the ability to think 3-dimensionally really well. I'm sure there are other types of intelligence other than this and that there are specialized types within each of these generalized types, but for the moment, these are the only ones that i'm gunna list.
so ya, this is what i've been thinking about lately and i must say that i am so thankful to have people with each of these gifts in my life. i am so thankful that i have someone like my friend Tat, who is a genius in personal intelligence. i am so thankful for my dad, who is incredible with practical intelligence. and i'm really thankful that God has given me teachers throughout my life who are so incredibly gifted in the area of factual intelligence. Praise be to God for making our world so diverse and interesting. To Him be the glory, honor, and praise in all things :) Hallelujah, Amen.