Sunday, February 6, 2011

Texts to Tat(iana)

I have a friend named tatiana, but i rarely call her that.
Instead, i call her tat and periodically i like to send her texts about random information that comes to mind that day.
seeing as the whole purpose of a blog is to put random personal information on the internet for creepers, companies, and compadres to see, i might as well put this on here. perhaps it will give you a slight insight into my mind and help you to better creep, comercially target, or get to know me better. hopefully it will be the last option. ;)
First text: did you know that rats have no bladder control and are therefore constantly urinating? and i realize this probly isn't the best fact to be sending as the first one, but it popped in my head, so now it's what i'm sending :)

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