Sunday, July 24, 2011

Novel Novel Idea

the other day, i had a fantastic idea.
this idea springs from my thinking it'd be super cool if there was a book character based off of me. slightly egotistical, i know, but i still think it'd be cool.
then i started wondering if other people thought the same thing about themselves. for the sake of speculation, i assumed that they did. and from my speculation, a beautiful baby idea was born.
this is my idea:
what if all the main characters in a fiction book were real?
each main character was a real person whose dialogues and actions were all based on what they would say or do given a certain situation.
this is how it would work:
1-get together a group of super fun or interesting people. the kind of people who make you feel like they could be from a book. it'll help if they're already friends.
2- once the people are gathered, one person from the group will act as the narrator. this narrator would decide what the basic plot is, where the scenes are originally set, etc. the narrator is basically in charge of directing the group and keeping the group on track.
3- all the other people will be themselves. and when presented with a certain scenario, they say what they'd do and what they'd say. so basically, this is just like acting, only without a script and without pretending to be someone else.
4- every time the group meets, everything is recorded. that way, people wont have to try to remember what they said.
5- after it's been taped, one or more people type it out. and, wah-la! a book is written :)

at first glance, i think the best kind of book to be written this way is a book that has a team in it working towards a goal. that way, characters wont have to pretend to not be in the same room with eachother. also, the more minds working on a problem, the more creative and unexpected solutions there will be. it'll also make the dialogue very realistic.

well, that's my novel novel idea. i hope you like it. and i especially hope that someone will use it to make an awesome story someday. if anyone does, i expect a free copy! :)