Saturday, July 16, 2011

Vegetarian Fast Food :)

oh yes, my friends. such a thing really does exist :)
in fact, it exists right by the intersection of army trail rd. and bloomingdale rd. in bloomingdale, IL.

i found out about this place when i noticed it while driving to the 711 on army trail. the sign made me extremely curious as to what "vegetarian fast food" could possibly mean (as in what kind of veggie food do they sell). the sign also made me immediately think of my friend lish. she's my friend who "don't eat no meat". and so i resolved to take lish there someday.

that day ended up being this past friday :)
as we were walking up to it, an extremely nice indian lady walked out and we had her take our picture. after all, it's not every day that i get to take a vegetarian out to a vegetarian fast food place :)
here we are:
i guess i had some preconceptions as to what this place would be like, because when we walked in i found it was the exact opposite of everything i had subconciously imagined. not gunna lie, i was very intimidated and wanted nothing more than to run right out of there.
i was thinking it was going to be similar to other fast food places, like subway, or burger king.
definitely not.

luckily, i realized that 1- if i briskly walked out of there with my eyes wide and my tail between my legs, i'd be both a coward and extremely impolite, and 2- lish was still walking towards the counter and didnt seem to be phased at all. (as a side note, i really do need to express that this place probably isnt as scary as i'm remembering it. i think the only reason why i freaked out was because it wasnt what i expected and it wasnt like any place ive ever been to before.)

i am so glad that i had lish there with me. otherwise, i would've totally missed out on some amazing indian food and an incredible experience.

once we reached the counter, we were greeted by a fantastic indian man. he was one of the nicest people i've ever met, and he totally didn't mind the fact that neither of us knew what any of the items on the menu were, or how to accurately pronounce them. here's a shot of their menu, so you can understand just what we were up against.

there were no pictures. we would have been totally lost without him. especially since lish and i are extremely indecisive whenever we're around eachother. more so than usual.

but this nice indian man totally saved the day. it was like he could read our minds about what we'd like and he made suggestions for us and brought us free samples. all of which were insanely delicious. we had so much fun trying different things and learning what they're called and how to pronounce them and what was in them.

 it was the perfect way to end our time together. the food was incredible. the people were fantastic. the price was really good. we walked out of there with a feast of deliciousness and it only cost us like $10. we were so inspired by our awesome experience, that we rocked out to slumdog millionare on our way home and listened to bollywood music on pandora as we ate. all this combined to make it one of the most enjoyable meals i've ever eaten.
i honestly couldn't be happier that i didn't chicken out. in fact, lish and i had such a good time, that we decided we need to make it a tradition to go there whenever she's in town.

i guess the moral of this story is that you shouldn't be afraid to go into new places and try new things. and who knows, you just might find that the things which initially scare you, are really just treasures waiting to be recognized. just be sure to bring a friend. it's a lot easier with moral support :)
(lol, the moral of this story is to bring moral support! totally unintentional)